Are you stressed?  Do you carry with you tension and negative feelings?  Here’s a tip….Exercise.  All the reading I have been doing lately points to the same conclusion: exercise needs to be a part of your lifestyle.  Not convinced?  Keep reading…

  • Exercise reduces feelings of anxiety and stress
  • New research shows exercise can reduce future stress

“The data suggest that people who exercise in the morning, for example, will have less of an increase in blood pressure and less of a feeling of stress if they are in a traffic jam on their way to work.” (Taken from USA weekend paper, 2012, quotes by John Bartholomew, Professor of Kinesiology and health Ed at U of Texas-Austin)

  • Releases endorphins in your bloodstream creating a sense of well-being
  • Decreases muscle tension
  • Rids your body of toxins
  • Increases alpha wave activity in the brain, allowing you to clear your mind
  • Strengthens heart and lungs
  • Exercise is a building block to overall hardiness
  • “Not only does physical fitness produce stress resilience, but fit individuals are better able to preserve their cognitive functions.”(Lilly Mujica-Parodi, Stony Brook U)

Join a gym.  Buy a treadmill.  Join a Boot Camp class.  Try a Zumba class.  Go for a walk in the woods.  Learn how to ski.  Go for a swim at the YMCA.  Snowshoe.  Jump rope.  Ride your bike.  Do some type of physical activity and make it a part of your everyday life.

The benefits?  A stronger, healthier, less stressed you.

Ladies, rooms are filling up for my March Retreat of Rest and Renewal, sign up today!  If you register in January you will enter to win a spa treatment for further relaxation!  For details check out my NEW website at   Hope to see you there!